Skiers hiking in the snow with Mission Ridge terrain in the background

Uphill Policy

Updated on 2/26/25

Uphill users must register with Mission Ridge and sign a use agreement, liability waiver, and purchase a pass for access.

Current Status: Standard Uphill Policy In Effect

***Winch cat operations are underway on the mountain and will be marked with signs. Stay far away!!! EXTREME DANGER. Runs undergoing winch cat operations are CLOSED to uphill and downhill travel. If Bomber Bowl and the standard uphill route is closed due to winch cat operations then uphill skiers can use Tumwater and Sunspot to reach the top of the mountain. Run/area closure status may change at any time.***

***Winch cat operations are underway on the mountain and will be marked with signs. Stay far away!!! EXTREME DANGER. Runs undergoing winch cat operations are CLOSED to uphill and downhill travel. If Bomber Bowl and the standard uphill route is closed due to winch cat operations then uphill skiers can use Tumwater and Sunspot to reach the top of the mountain. Run/area closure status may change at any time.***

Winter Uphill Travel Access Pass

Uphill users must register with Mission Ridge and sign a use agreement, liability waiver, and purchase a pass for access.

Snowboarder in black jacket and orange pants skinning uphill with splitboard

Uphill Travel Season Pass


Required for uphill access. Must be purchased online. Liability waiver signature and policy acknowledgment also required.

Snowboarder in black jacket and orange pants skinning uphill with splitboard

Uphill Travel Day Ticket


Valid for one-time access on a specific date. Must be purchased online. Liability waiver signature and policy acknowledgment also required.


Already have a Season Pass?

*The Uphill Travel Pass is an included benefit with any current Mission Ridge season pass product. Current Season Passholders need to complete the uphill policy agreement, rules of use acknowledgement, and additional liability waiver by navigating to the Uphill Travel Season Pass link and selecting the “Uphill access pass for passholders” option.

Standard Uphill Travel Policy

Within the Mission Ridge Ski Area Boundary, uphill travel is permitted only on designated routes when conditions do not adversely impact avalanche mitigation, grooming, snowmaking, parking, snow removal, maintenance or other ski area operations. Uphill travel is restricted within the Special Use Permit area during periods of avalanche danger or avalanche mitigation. Uphill travel is always closed within the Ski Area Boundary on designated trails and runs between 7:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m. on operational days. Uphill users need to be off of the mountain and back in the base area by 7:00 a.m.

On operational days that include night skiing the following rules apply:

  • Night uphill access is only allowed from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wed-Sat
    • Users can go up the standard Bomber route and must descend within the open and lit night skiing runs. No descent is allowed outside of the open night skiing terrain.
    • The Chak Chak route is also available at night from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wed-Sat
  • Morning uphill access Thursday – Sunday is only allowed via the Chak Chak route from 5:00 a.m to 7:00am and users need to be back to the parking lot by 7:00 a.m.


The designated routes may be closed at any given time due to safety or hazardous conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to; avalanche danger, mitigation work, construction, snowmaking, grooming or maintenance operations. Winch cat operations may take place at any time on the mountain and will be marked with signs. Stay far away!!! EXTREME DANGER. Runs undergoing winch cat operations are CLOSED to uphill and downhill travel. If Bomber Bowl and the standard uphill route is closed due to winch cat operations then uphill skiers can use Tumwater and Sunspot to reach the top of the mountain.

Rules Of Use

  • Be aware of dangers – winch-cat operations, grooming, snowmaking, avalanche mitigation, snowpack instability, etc can all be deadly to you!!
  • Do not ski on runs that are already groomed for the following day.
  • Park at the front of the lot by the Mission Ridge entry sign.
  • Uphill use hours are from 1 hour after lifts close to 7:00 a.m. unless restricted or closed.
    • During Night Ski operations the Summer Road is an approved uphill route and Mimi is closed to uphill use.
  • See maps/reports for current route information.
  • Stay off of Mission Ridge property and buildings.
  • No Dogs allowed on ski terrain.
  • Headlamp required.
  • Yield to all downhill traffic whether person or machine.
  • Stay on the edge of groomed runs.
  • Closed terrain is closed 24 hours a day.
  • Follow signage and check the daily report.
  • Follow instructions of staff and be respectful.
  • Uphill travelers are subject to RCW 79A.45.030, Your Responsibility Code and other Mission Ridge rules and policies.

Nearby Backcountry Routes

Even when the Designated Routes within the Ski-Area Boundary are closed (e.g., early-season conditions, avalanche control, ski area is operating, etc.), two backcountry routes outside of that boundary remain open at all times and can be accessed from the Mission Ridge Ski Area. One of these routes uses the Lakes Trail to access Clara Lake and the Mission Peak environs; the other uses the Outback to access Stemilt Basin. For both of these routes, park at the entrance to the lower lot as close as possible to the Lakes Trail Trailhead.

  • Use of the Backcountry Routes is allowed even when the Designated Routes within the Ski Area Boundary are closed. Uphill skiers using the Backcountry Routes cannot descend to the parking lot via the ski area if the Ski Patrol has closed the terrain being used to enter the resort.
  • Click here for more details about the Backcountry Routes.